• Benin

16 June 2023 | 16:58

Bénin Terminal and AGL Bénin join forces with the Ministry for the Environment to reaffirm their commitment to protecting the environment.

Bénin Terminal and AGL Bénin, subsidiaries of AGL (Africa Global Logistics), jointly contributed and actively participated, on June 05 and 06, 2023, at the Bénin Royal Hôtel in Cotonou, in the first edition of the national initiatives of actors from the public, private and associative sectors in connection with the celebration of World Environment Day (WED), alongside the Ministry of the Living Environment.

Organized on the initiative of the Ministry in charge of sustainable development, this event brought together a major panel of environmental specialists, five leading companies in Benin’s economic fabric (AGL au Bénin, Nocibe, EcoBank, Sobebra, Port Autonome de Cotonou) and NGOs specializing in environmental issues, for a workshop on the theme of “Environment and Sustainable Development”. The aim of the authorities promoting this plenary session is to encourage real awareness of environmental protection issues, in order to encourage more concrete action to protect our environment. As part of the WED celebrations, on Tuesday June 06, 2023, the Ministry of the Environment organized a reforestation operation on three hectares of land at the Sèmè-Kpodji naval base, in which teams from Bénin Terminal and AGL Bénin took part.

The CSR and environmental approach of each company taking part in this conclave dedicated to environmental protection were examined with a fine-tooth comb. The delegations from Bénin Terminal and AGL Bénin highlighted the Green Terminal label, created in coordination with Bureau Véritas, and AGL Bénin’s ISO 14001/2015 certification process.

«Our Green Terminal label highlights all the actions we are taking to preserve the environment and help protect biodiversity. Bureau Véritas' expertise enables us to assess our level of performance on a daily basis, so that we can continually improve our commitment» Fabrice TURE , Managing Director of Bénin Terminal.

AGL Benin also implements an active and committed policy in favor of the environment. This is supported and structured by the company’s CSR charter, and is reflected in the various sustainable development initiatives implemented by the company as a corporate citizen committed to the environment. “In our aim to harmonize our services in favor of protecting the planet, AGL is committed to environmental progress, with a collective commitment to future generations. That’s why, in our day-to-day practices, we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and preserving biodiversity. As a benchmark logistics player, we also aim to support virtuous transformations by promoting initiatives to preserve the planet, motivated by a desire to act responsibly and sustainably”, confided Pierre NGON, General Manager of AGL’s Benin-Niger Cluster.

World Environment Day (WED) is an event instituted in 1972 by the United Nations, which takes place every year on June 05. This year, the theme chosen by the international community is “Solutions to Plastic Pollution”. This day is the United Nations’ main platform for encouraging awareness and action to protect our environment on a global scale.

About AGL in Benin

AGL is the leading multimodal logistics operator in Africa, with over 21,000 employees in 49 countries. In Benin, AGL employs nearly 1,000 people through 4 subsidiaries operating in the logistics and maritime sectors (consignment, handling, transit). Confident in the country’s development potential, AGL is investing in Benin for the long term and is stepping up its efforts to accelerate its integration in the region and on the African continent as a whole.

Press contact: Francis VIKOU, Communication & Sustainable Development Manager – AGL in Benin francis.vikou@benin-terminal.com – +229 96 39 53 52

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