AGL places all forms of sustainable development at the heart of our business strategy and operations. Committed to improving the well-being of people around the world, we aim to be a benchmark for endorsement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in Africa, Haiti and Timor.

As a leading global logistics player, we aim to support positive change in Africa by developing human capital and value chains, while promoting initiatives that protect the planet and improve the business environment.

Motivated by a desire to act responsibly and sustainably, we are committed to an approach which sets out to create value on the African continent. Our strength lies in our wealth of expertise, supported by a continuous improvement approach.

We are very conscious of our role opposite all our stakeholders: employees, shareholders, partners, customers and the planet. We fully embrace the UN’s fundamental universal principles relating to human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption

transport logistique afrique
Our values, corporate culture and willingness to respond to the challenges we face are based on four pillars of sustainable development :

Ethical and responsible commercial practices in our value chain


As a committed employer for our teams, protecting people


Relationships with our stakeholders wherever we operate


Our customers and stakeholders with logistics solutions that promote environmental sustainability


Ensuring ethical and responsible business practices in our value chain

AGL operates in many countries with varied and complex economic and socio cultural environments that may expose us to security, safety, environmental and ethical risks. The expectations of public authorities and civil society with regard to AGL are therefore particularly strong.

transport logistique afrique
Integrity and transparency

As a reference player, we attach primary importance to the integrity that must govern our commercial relationships and professional practices every day. As part of this, AGL is compliant in its business relations with the most relevant international standards and local legislation in force whenever they are more demanding.

Integrity when conducting our business is a key part of the Code of Conduct and the Ethics & CSR Charter with which all subsidiaries, agents and employees of the Group and sales partners acting in the name of AGL must comply..

This code promotes the combat against corruption in all its forms and against influence peddling, as well as free and fair competition, respect for economic sanctions, diversity and environmental protection.

A dedicated organization monitors proper understanding of and compliance with the Sapin 2 law, the recommendations and the French Anticorruption Agency (AFA), applicable laws and international standards.

«Integrity and Transparency are two key values that make up the Code of Conduct that governs how we behave inside the Company and our business relations, whether at head office or in the entities inside and outside Africa.» Yann Danvert , Head of Compliance
Responsible purchasing

With a view to favoring commercial partners that are respectful of our principles, AGL calls for the implementation of appropriate due diligence systems that can identify, prevent and mitigate the risks of serious breaches, within the divisions and subsidiaries, and along the supply chain.

An AGL Responsible Purchasing Charter has been established with the goal of becoming the shared basis for commitments that are applicable to all purchasing families in the company.

Application of our responsible purchasing strategy involves the purchasing and legal teams. They rely on the ethics system, the CSR clause, the risk identification approaches, due diligence procedures and the ethics policy when choosing suppliers.

transport logistique afrique
«The AGL Responsible Purchasing Charter is systematically transmitted as part of any new commercial relationship. In this way, we favor local purchases that respect the environment and contribute to the emergence of a mesh of small and mid sized competitive companies in Africa, India, Haiti and Timor-Leste.» Delphine Coudray , Head of Procurement


Acting for the wellbeing of the population

AGL’s ambition is to contribute to the wellbeing of local populations. This ambition places our employees in the front line. Their commitment and skills are the main drivers of our long term performance.

Like the logistics sector in general, AGL is evolving all the time. In this context, our priorities are to ensure the safety and security of our business, to promote diversity and equality, to maintain the skills that are essential to our business and to adapt our careers to technological developments.


transport logistique afrique
Security and safety

AGL makes the health, safety and wellbeing of its teams an absolute priority. All necessary measures are in place to preserve the health and safety of employees and third parties within the framework of our business. 

In particular, this involves any attempt to harm the health, safety and security of all our stakeholders and awareness raising among teams, whatever their status, about the risks, everyday dangers and mitigation measures that are in place. 

Safety is a key factor in the choice of our industrial and commercial partners. We place particular emphasis on their capacity to implement safety and security policies that are appropriate to the areas in which we operate.

«AGL is committed to ensuring a healthy and safe working environment by providing a framework that can identify and minimize risks related to its business. Certification processes are being pursued to ensure the excellence of our workplace quality, health and safety management system.» Olivier Restoueix , Head of QHSE-CSR
Reference employer

AGL is one of the main private employers on the continent. The company means to attract and retain talent, in relation to the key skills sought, with a principle of non-discrimination and equal opportunities. A diversity and inclusion charter has been signed and is in application.

AGL also maintains staff employability over the long term. The company works to facilitate skills acquisition in line with career and technological developments. The training programs and institutions funded by AGL on the continent contribute to this objective.

AGL is mobilized to ensure a high level of engagement based on respect for others, an inclusive corporate culture and improved quality of life at work. We make efforts towards this by offering our employees the most favorable work conditions possible; and an appropriate setting for social dialog.

To do this, we rely on digital tools in order to design the most appropriate training materials for each career path and for new requirements (e-learning, videos, online conferences, seminars, knowledge strengthening programs, etc.).

transport logistique afrique
«AGL is characterized by both the diversity of its careers and its expertise in the maritime, port, logistics and rail sectors, as well as by the cultural diversity of its teams, a genuine advantage in a complex environment in constant evolution. Because our employees are what make this joint adventure so enriching, we invest in everyone’s development by offering a career path based on appropriate guidance, encouraging mobility, a diverse organization and a committed community» Vincent Galindo , Head of Human Resources


Strengthening relations with our stakeholders in the regions in which we operate

AGL wants to be a factor for positive change in society and to contribute to its development.

Stakeholder dialog, respect for commitments made with public partners within the framework of the concession agreements, promotion of “local content” and support for initiatives in society are at the heart of our approach. 

transport logistique afrique
Stakeholder dialog

AGL promotes dialog with stakeholders in order to develop constructive and transparent relationships with them. This action can keep NGOs and the people living in the vicinity of our businesses informed, and also take their preoccupations and expectations into account.

This approach is also observant of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

logistique transport afrique
Respect for commitments

In the framework of the port and rail concessions that AGL operates in Africa, in India, in Haiti and in Timor, the company has set up a monitoring and evaluation system for its commitments towards the conceding authorities.

It thereby actively contributes to concession monitoring meetings and suggests initiatives that are liable to ensure the success of its public private partnerships.

transport logistique afrique
Local Content

More than 98% of the workforce employed by AGL come from countries in which it deploys its activities.

The company promotes skills transfer and relies on a number of local partners for this, reference shareholders and subcontractors.

transport logistique afrique

AGL supports many philanthropic and social initiatives for the benefit of local populations through its patronage program.

Its offers support to charities, and involves its subsidiaries and employees in projects that improve the economic, social and health situation of young people.

transport logistique afrique
«AGL’s presence on the continent is a long-term commitment that makes us answerable to African society. The diversity of our careers and their multiform impacts commit us to structuring and developing a constructive dialog with our main stakeholders. » Laurent Grenet , Head of External Relations


Providing logistics solutions that focus on respect for the environment

With the goal of providing services that focus on respecting the planet, AGL is part of an environmental progress approach with a collective commitment towards future generations.

It works to ensure a reduction in its carbon footprint, to preserve biodiversity and implement concrete initiatives such as the “Green Terminal” label.”

transport logistique afrique
Low carbon

AGL designs logistics solutions that aim to reduce its carbon footprint.

It carries out low carbon transport plans and cares about developing new services with lower emissions such as rail or river transport, promoting innovation and choosing the best performing suppliers.

Waste handling and management are also topics of concern. Recycling initiatives for objects and materials are deployed, such as coffee capsules that are turned into jewelry, and tires that are turned into furniture by craftspeople.

transport logistique afrique

AGL wants to contribute to halting climate change.

It integrates the preservation of biodiversity to project implementation and carries out impact studies for each project. 

AGL also promotes local actions to protect biodiversity, such as protecting turtle egg-laying areas and raising awareness about protected species (varans, pangolins, etc.).

transport logistique afrique
Green Terminal

Launched in June 2021, the goal of the Green Terminal label is to reduce the carbon footprint of our port activities.

This label is implemented in conjunction with the international firm Bureau Veritas and relies on eight fundamental pillars drawn from our ESG strategy (Environment, Social, Governance).

This label offers a concrete solution to the challenges of energy transition. Since its launch, 10 terminals have received the “Green Terminal” label.

transport logistique afrique

Our eco-design approach

Faced with the overconsumption of energy and its irreversible consequences for our planet, we committed to creating a website that is more environmentally responsible.

We express our approach to eco-design by developing websites that use less energy, to align with our goal of reducing the carbon footprint.

The key steps in reducing a website’s carbon footprint:

  • Reducing the number of requests
  • Reducing the volume of data exchanged
  • Limiting data processing

The aim was:

  • A lighter website
  • Easier access for all users
  • Providing a useful and sustainable website
logistique transport afrique
A team effort towards a shared ambition

Our teams’ collective effort allowed us to reduce the energy consumption of the website all throughout its creation process.

1. Focus on the essential

We decided to get rid of complexity and focus as much as possible on the core content.

2. UX design and eco-responsibility

By pairing UX design with an eco-design approach, we can offer our users a fluid and optimized browsing experience, whilst also reducing the environmental impact of the website.

3. Green and purposeful technologies

To consume less energy, we only kept fundamental technologies. Development was carried out in accordance with best practice to create a website that is fast, simple, effective, and sustainable.

4. Green and responsable web hosting

In response to most hosting solutions being energy-intensive, we decided to select a more sustainable hosting solution that allows the dynamic allocation of server resources.

5. Server configuration

In order to improve the customer experience, and also the website’s energy consumption, it was essential to optimize the server (cached pages, HTTP2, compression, etc.).

6. User tracking

To use less energy, it is necessary to track less! By dismissing non-essential tracking solutions, the website can avoid generating unnecessary energy.

transport logistique afrique
A responsible production

We applied best practice all through the developmental stage. Thanks to this, we are now able to increase the display performances of the website while lowering its carbon footprint.

Server side caching

Using a lighter CMS (WordPress)

Using the latest version of PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)

Keeping only necessary plugins and components

Choosing a lighter, fully customized WordPress theme over a preexisting premium theme, burdened with unused functionalities

Compressing all images and minifying all CSS and JavaScript files

Opting out of video auto-play

Responsive image resizing

Using svg and webp only when appropriate

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